Weekly Rice Subsidy to Barangays for distribution to all
- Weekly Rice Subsidy for access to food although in minimal amounts. We have continuously done this since March 14 and will have the capacity to do so based on stocks and funding. Managing human behavior on how we eat and manage our resources thus we do this weekly versus big portions of aid. The program is running for 10 weeks already
- Purchase of the rice grown by local farmers program has helped the rice farmers access to market and inspired them to continue planting again rice, our staple food.
- Rice Farmers Financial Assistance with the Department of Agriculture

Burial Assistance to Indigent Families to have their loved ones immediately buried to minimize gathering, possible health risk of exposure and address financial burden
- Under the Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS) program of LGU Del Carmen
- LGU Del Carmen also provides Medical Assistance for NON COVID Cases
Siargao Provincial Testing and Quarantine Facility